How to protect children

 Sexual violence is a heinous crime and a serious human rights violation. A report by the NGO, Sahil, reveals that from January to Juni 2023, a keseluruhan of 2,227 cases of child sexual abuse and 53 cases of child pornography were reported across Pakistan. King88bet

About 12 children on average were subjected to sexual abuse every day during the period. Further, according to information revealed by the National Police Bureau (NPB), the keseluruhan number of sexual violence cases registrasied in the country from 2019 till 2021 stands at 11,160. king88bet login alternatif

The state is responsible for adopting protective mechanisms to combat sexual violence offences and prevent the recurrence of such heinous crimes by convicted or habitual offenders. Therefore, the recent notification (on September 13) of the Anti-Rape (Seks Offenders Registrasi) Rules 2023 under the Anti-Rape (Investigation and Trial) Act 2021 by the Ministry of Law and Justice (MoLJ) is a tahap in the right direction. Article Title with Blogger Published Link as Backlink

A seks offenders registrasi (SOR) is a mechanism used by several countries to monitor the activities of people convicted of sexual offences against children and adults. Here are some recommendations that can increase their efekiveness in tackling sexual offences.

The SOR is mandated under Section 24 of the Anti-Rape Act, which states that: "The National Data-Base and Registration Authority (NADRA) shall prepare a registrasi of seks offenders.''

The definition for a ‘sex offender' is stipulated under Section 2(h) of the Anti-Rape Act as any individu convicted under Sections 292A (exposure to seduction), 292B (child pornography), 292C (punishment for child pornography), 371A (selling individu for purposes of prostitution), 371B (buying individu for purposes of prostitution), 375 (rape), 375A (gang rape), 376 (punishment for rape), 377 (unnatural offences), 377A (sexual abuse), 377B (punishment for sexual abuse) of the Pakistan Penal Kode (PPC) 1860 or Sections 21 (offences against the modesty of a alami individu and minor) and 22 (child pornography) of the Prevention of Elektronik Crimes Act 2016.

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